Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yvain- Part 2

When Yvain shames himself Chretien does much to foreshadow and lead up to this. The first technique that was used was Yvain's dissatisfaction in his relationship with Laudine. We can see that he was not happy because he asked leave to frequent the tournaments. I liken this to modern day cases of marital dysfunction where the husband stereotypically spends little time around the house and goes out with his friends frequently. Next, the fact that Yvain must ask permission to leave and is assigned a date to return also bodes ill. If the couple truly had a solid relationship, there wouldn't be such a disparity in power. At the very least, the person with the power in the relationship would be Yvain, in accordance with the customs of the time. I think that Yvain's lack of control in the relationship was the largest factor that contributed to his shame. The whole history of the couple was based on his lack of control. He fell in love with Laudine totally by chance, and then next thing he knows he is married and required to guard the fountain. Because of this I can see why Yvain would want to leave and neglect to return.

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