Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yvain- Part 1

In Erec and Enide Chretien presented the reader with a brief, but telling prologue. In this paragraph he outlined the remainder of the story, from the couple's rocky start to their ultimate "conjoining" into a cohesive partnership. At the beginning of Yvain we aren't granted an advantage of this sort. Rather, Chretien jumps directly into the story, providing little more than the time of year. This provides more information than some might think though. First, we are informed that the story is starting on Pentecost. Pentecost is a holiday that is usually associated with adventure and quests, at least in the Arthurian world. Seeing as the story begins on this date, we can assume that an adventure of some sort will be nigh. It is also feasible to say that the adventure will not be successful. I say this because King Arthur's Pentecostal Oath, whose name derives from the date of it's origin, ultimately leads the knights who follow it to misfortune.

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